To reproduce this male puma invades the territory of a female and tries to cross to do so.They breed at any time of year so the young have no exact time to be born. Measurereaches 2.40 meters including its tail and weigh 115 kilograms maximum.
To mark their territory on the eastern cougar uses his different odors (urine) and scratches on the trunks of trees and earth as warning signs that this is their territory.
Depending on the altitude of where you live a puma is nocturnal, or active during the day,when a puma living in the treeline (higher in the mountains) hunt their prey day and are active during the day but when they live below or lower altitude are nocturnal.
Keep the rest of the meal to eat later and they have an advantage by doing this: at low temperatures their food is better preserved.
The Eastern Puma or Mountain is in danger of extinction due to overhunting and lack ofhabitat.
By: Torres Rosales Janeth Andrea
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