For the leopard trees are her house resting there, hunt and keep their food fromscavengers and in some cases if they can not eat fruit hunt.
The leopard is very lonely especially in times of reproduction that takes about three months, the female can have up to six puppies but more often are 2 or 3.
It is sometimes confused with the cheetah by the color of its coat, but in reality are verydifferent because the leopard is more aggressive than the cheetah as it has to protecttheir food and himself from the Lions and Hyenas.
The leopard is very fast, runs at a speed of 72 Km / Hr and except the cat, is stocked withlots of food. It has 12 subspecies and one more that is already extinct (Zanzibar Leopard).
Deforestation, hunting and pollution are destroying the population of the species.
By: Torres Rosales Janeth Andrea
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