The blue whale can reach 30 meters long and 190 tons, is believed to be the largest animal on Earth's surface. At present, only smaller fish survive about 25 meters.
The blue whale's belly is sometimes grayish or yellowish due to the presence of smallalgae that attach to it. Its top and sides varies from blue to bluish gray. His head is longand thin, occupies one third of the length of the animal. The beards hanging from the upper jaw and is used to filter water crustaceans.
It feeds on krill, small shrimp-like body and some small fish, for it has several hundreds ofhorny plates, made from ballina or baleen, which are called "baleen whale", through whichfiltered seawater, obtaining its food, which is trapped between these beards.
Blue whales spend eight months a year in the cold waters of Antarctic OCEAC, there areabundance of krill, and during the winter months they migrate to warmer waters, where they breed.
It has a very low birthrate. They are ripe for reproduction up to ten years and has only one brood per year.
Today experts estimate that there are only about 1,000 copies, the species has been hunted almost to extinction for their bones, oil and meat. The biggest predator of whales is definitely the man. As with many other species, hunting has taken them nearly to extinction.
By: Cabello Chio Noemi Celeste
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